Maximise the future potential of your archive film with our picture restoration services. Our experienced staff pride themselves on being able to digitally repair the most complicated and challenging damage in order to restore film to its former glory. Whatever it’s condition, our team of experts are always on hand to help you decide on the best and most cost effective approach to restoring your film.

Auto Restoration
We offer a comprehensive range of tools to assist in digital restoration of old or damaged footage. Using Phoenix software we can semi-automatically remove the majority of issues commonly found on film.
We highly recommend auto-restoration after every scan since is offers the most cost effective way to improve the appearance of your film.
Issues auto-restoration addresses:
Auto Restoration
We offer a comprehensive range of tools to assist in digital restoration of old or damaged footage. Using Phoenix software we can semi-automatically remove the majority of issues commonly found on film.
We highly recommend auto-restoration after every scan since it offers the most cost effective way to improve the appearance of your film.
Issues auto-restoration addresses:

Manual Restoration
For more complicated damage requiring full-frame digital reconstruction we offer a manual restoration service. During this process we inspect each frame for problems and meticulously repair any issues by hand.
Common issues we fix include:

Restore Video
Restoring a degraded video signal requires an entirely different toolset from film. Using our professional video restoration software our team of specialists are able to remove most signal artefacts and recover lost detail from any video format.
Common issues we fix include:
Restore Video
Restoring a degraded video signal requires an entirely different toolset from film. Using our professional video restoration software our team of specialists are able to remove most signal artefacts and recover lost detail from any video format.
Common issues we fix include:

Reuse & Repurpose
With the rapid growth of video on demand and UHD delivery broadcasters are beginning to realise the enormous value of archive film. Original negative film often surpasses the resolution and colour dynamic range of modern digital cameras.
Nulight is one of the only facilities in the UK with the expertise to restore negative film and match it to digital video. We are also approved suppliers for film and television archives including BBC, ITV and the British Film Institute.
Benefits of Restoration
We don’t just digitise film, we unleash its full potential