Over the years, audio recorded onto analog media will degrade and the sound will fade or muffle. Our sound restoration process begins with a clean and noise-free digital transfer. Then our talented in-house audio technicians apply their skill and experience to bring your audio back to life, producing a clearer, fuller sound.

Transfer Sound
We digitise film audio tracks in either magnetic, variable density optical or variable area optical formats. Any combined optical or magnetic audio is captured simultaneously while separate audio is transferred and synced to picture.
We are also able to perform high quality digitisation of a wide range of other vintage audio media. Whatever you have, get in touch and we’ll probably be able to transfer it.

Restore Sound
Due to physical limitations, analogue mediums generate audible artefacts such as hiss, clicks, crackle, pops, and rumble. Sometimes this is desirable, but when it’s not our audio engineer will utilise a range of tools to remove this unwanted noise while taking great care to preserve the nature of the content.
No presets are used and all modification values are set by hand to adapt to the specific needs of your audio and guarantee that the resulting product sounds its very best.
Restore Sound
Due to physical limitations, analogue mediums generate audible artefacts such as hiss, clicks, crackle, pops, and rumble. Sometimes this is desirable, but when it’s not our audio engineer will utilise a range of tools to remove this unwanted noise while taking great care to preserve the nature of the content.
No presets are used and all modification values are set by hand to adapt to the specific needs of your audio and guarantee that the resulting product sounds its very best.

Remaster Sound
If restoring the original sound of the recording is not sufficient and enhancing the original is required then you can take advantage of the world-class audio facilities and skills of our partner Films at 59.
With access to seven dubbing theatres using Izotope RX6 noise reduction software we guarantee your audio will sound better than ever.