Project Description
Final Frontier is a film made in 1972 by Robert Kennedy Jr and wildlife researcher and environmentalist Norman Myers.
The family of Normal Myer approached Nulight with a trove of films made by the British researcher over the 30 years he lived and worked in Kenya cataloguing its biodiversity.
During the digitisation of the collection two 16mm prints were discovered featuring an hour-long, edited documentary made by – soon-to-be media guru – Roger Ailes and an 18 year-old Bobby Kennedy Jr. The film features East African wildlife with Bobby Kennedy Jnr and Norman Myers appearing in the film, interacting in several different settings and discussing conservation prospects for the wildlife.
Upon contacting Bobby Kennedy Jr, now 64, his estate said they had been looking for the film for many years but given up believing that copies no longer existed.
The remarkable find offers a fascinating snapshot of African biodiversity as well as attitudes towards nature and environmentalism which were just emerging during that period.